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 non-profit organization made up of law-abiding citizens & community of all identities fighting to close the gap of racial disparities in all governed areas of our society. We are Black lead, and not race exclusive although the Black voice is paramount in our approach to evoke positive change. We have a focused interest in Black well-being, while supporting the interests of our BIPOC community. LegallyBLACK has a zero tolerance for verbal, written, and institutionalized racist bigotry policy.

Our Mission & Philosophy

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."


 LegallyBLACK focuses on creating awareness of the racial disparities in all governed areas of our society with proposed strategies for reconciliation and improved quality of life for all. Our collective efforts help to evoke tangible changes to local, state, & federal laws, city ordinances, contracts and business policies to best protect the well-being of Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (or BIPOC). Our mission is to address the ingrained oppression of Blackness as the foundation of all of our governing systems in America and eliminate all opportunities to continue on this path. 


We believe in order to achieve this feat, Black people, and all people of color, need to unite and encourage the open, notorious, and unapologetic support, action, and empathy of people of all ethnicities, genders, and identities. As well as the understanding that regardless of your proximity to Blackness, if you yourself are not Black or a person of color or mixed-race identity, your voice is secondary when discussing the needs of BIPOC communities. We believe that those closest to the problem (living it daily) are also closest to the resolution. Executing strategies, however, is where your voice will likely shine! This can be hard for people who are particularly use to being in charge, seen, and expected to lead. Here, we practice giving BIPOC the grace our society does not, with Black voices in the forefront.


"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about what matters." - MLK Jr

Advocating for what matters!

We were not formed in response to police brutality but because there was a need for change in ALL governed areas of our society for the best interest and safety of Black lives and all people of color. And, in order of who is most in need first. For years our community has taken to the streets to share our concerns, desire for justice & equal treatment for housing, education, economic development, healthcare, and especially by law enforcement, and the criminal justice system. Rightfully so. 

        See our initiatives tab for more!

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Affordable Housing Access

Fighting for fair rental screening processes, advocating for affordable multifamily unit properties & more

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Public Education

Advocating for all public schools to teach Black & Indigenous History without filters. Provide resources, funding, and opportunities for BIPOC students

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Policing & Criminal Justice

Prepare proposals for more strict policy, regiment, and officer community service to close the gap of mistrust between law enforcement and the BIPOC community


 Economic Development & Infrastructure 

Providing financial literacy & learning tools to BIPOC,  supporting Black Owned Businesses, and providing suggested strategies for sustainable infrastructure in urban communities 

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Advocacy for Mental & Health Services

Connecting community to mental health & medical resources and professionals

Activism looks different on everyone. Some groups have their preferred methods to evoke change and LegallyBLACK respects that.

Strength in Numbers

 LegallyBLACK is happy to help you and your organization mobilize, be heard, and drive long-term change for justice and racial equity without compromising your preferred methods, purpose, and core values. Let's collaborate! There is strength in numbers. 

Email us with subject  "Org Collab"  at

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